Evaluating the efficiency and productivity and ranking of selected banks of the Islamic Republic of Iran by data envelopment analysis

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member at Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran.

2 Ph. D. in Applied Mathematics, Quchan University of Technology.


Continuous assessment of the business and optimal production causes economic growth. Therefore, measuring performance and efficiency is very important even in service matters, such as financial organizations and banks. According to the banking industry, which has a major contribution to the wealth and wealth of countries, this paper is prepared for the efficiency and productivity of some of the selected banks of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In this paper, using the data envelopment analysis method, the performance evaluation of 16 banks are calculated which including Ansar, Dey, Eghtesad Novin, Iran Zamin, Kar Afarin, Melat, Meli, Pasargad, Refah, Resalat, Saman, Sanat o Madan, Sarmayeh, Sepah, Tejarat, Tose Saderat.
The results of the evaluation of the efficiency and productivity and ranking of banks indicate that the Sepah bank in 1392 under CCR and BCC model is an efficient DMU and has rating of 1. Also, in 1393, it is an efficient bank with a rating of 3 under CCR and rate 4 under BCC. But the Ansar bank under all models in the 1392 and 1393 is an inefficient unit that stands at number 16. Also, bank Ansar has positive rate in productivity and the Sepah bank has negative rate in productivity.
