Aims and Scope

Journal Aims:

  • Maximizing the results of defense affairs by using the rules, models and techniques of economic science with the approach of ensuring welfare and security.
  • Developing and promoting the knowledge and theories of defense economy in the direction of the country's sustainable development.
  • Introducing applied studies and expanding the application of economic analyzes in defense with a sustainable development approach.
  • Expanding the scientific network and the elites of the defense economy and sustainable development.
  • Synergy of economic studies, security-defense and development.


Journal Scopes:

The subject area of the publication includes defense economy (military spending, defense budget and financing of the defense sector, military industry market, economics of war and peace, economic war and economic defense, economy and defense policies, management of the defense sector, etc.) with the approach of achieving sustainable development goals (eradication of poverty, eradicating hunger, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, reducing inequality, responsible consumption and production, peace, justice and strong institutions, etc).