Investigation and Prioritization of Post-Sanctions Economic Challenges in the Banking Sector Using a Combined Permutation and Genetic Algorithm

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor at Payam-e-Nour University

2 M.A. Student at Payam-e-Nour University


The set of measures taken by world powers to punish or compel countries to do or not to do what they want is called sanctions. For the past 40 years Iran has been the target of toughest sanctions. The purpose of this article is to examine and identify the economic challenges after the imposition of cruel sanctions in banking sector. For this purpose, after reviewing the theoretical basics and interviewing some industry experts, 13 main challenges were identified and a researcher-made questionnaire was developed. Ten experienced banking executives, managers and experts answered the researcher's questions and prioritized the indicators using the combined Permutation and Genetic Algorithm coding approach in MATLAB 17 software. The number of replications, population rate and intersection rate were respectively 1000, 5000 and 3%.
The results show that the lack of information transparency in commercial, monetary and currency areas, lack of experience of the banking system in the field of new monetary and financial instruments, and the dominance of government fiscal policies over its monetary policy are among the most important challenges of the banking industry after sanctions. At the end some suggestions were provided.
