Syndicate and Partnership Finance of Military Projects

Document Type : Original Article


M.A. in Economics, Tehran University


National security and authorization is guranteed by executing military projects, while many of such projects face lack of funds. Syndicate and partnership finance which utilize resources out of defined budget for such projects, can solve this problem. In syndicate finance model, investee reaches a bank and that bank gathers a syndicate of banks and every one of those banks will have a direct contract with investee. In partnership finance model, the main bank pays the whole loan and then tranfers fractions of the loan to other banks. In this model, the secondary bank doesn’t have a direct contract with investee. Utilizing these loans requires legal and economic infrastructures in defense sector. This infrastructure reqires reguation of government guarantee for syndicate and partnership loans in defense sector, compiling a general strategic plan in providing military equipment, compiling defense general offset system, establishing defense contract companyand outsourcing military projects.
