Identification of Effective Components on Economic Corruption

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University Tehran Branch,East

2 Master of Science in Economics , tehran University


The wide range of consequences of the economic corruption problem has led to the importance of corruption control in strategic macroeconomic programs within countries. The issuance of the 8th command on combating economic corruption by the Supreme Leader in 2001 indicates the importance of the issue of controlling economic corruption from the perspective of the country's most senior officials. But, controlling economic corruption requires a comprehensive understanding of the causes of this problem. In other words, knowing the most important factors affecting the level of economic corruption is the prerequisite for adopting effective strategies to control this problem. Therefore, it is necessary to study the relationship between this index and macroeconomic variables by identifying the dimensions of economic corruption as an important obstacle to the realization of economic growth and development. This study has been conducted for 27 countries with abundant natural resources for the period 2000-2015. In this study, field and library methods were used to conduct the research. The panel data approach was used to analyze statistical information. The results of this research show that not only corruption in countries with natural resources studied in this research is affected by macroeconomic variables but can also affect them. The coefficients obtained for the variables used in this study are as follows: GDP, education, government efficiency, income inequality, government size, Human development, financial development, industry value added, media freedom, inflation and trade freedom. All coefficients except trade liberalization and financial development are significant at a significant level of 5%.
