An Examination of the Consequences of Iran's Membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student of Future Studies, Faculty of Strategic Management, Supreme National Defense University. Tehran Iran.


Since the end of the Cold War, the United States and its Western allies have established and dominated the geometry of power in the world through various political and economic institutions. However, the increasing influence of emerging powers such as Russia and China have challenged the sovereignty of the West and the dominance of the United States. Among other efforts, Russia and China efforts towards strengthening the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are taking place with the aim of achieving regional security, creating a new energy club and reducing the influence of the United States in the region. Although the SCO lacks the material and political capacity to directly confront US’ interests, the organization has become an important counterweight against the US and its Western allies, which has increased the capacity of Russia and China to exercise soft policies for shaping the balance of power. This paper, after first briefly outlining the historical course of Iran towards joining the Shanghai Organization, conducts a study of library documents, the analysis of American and Russian think tanks, as well as the statements of Iranian experts and analysts, to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the Shanghai Organization and the opportunities and threats presented by Iran’s membership in this organization. From the analysis of the interviews and experts' statements, a total of 8 strengths, 7 weaknesses and 22 opportunities presented by Iran’s membership of Shanghai Organization in the fields of security, politics, culture, and economy have been identified, which can overall lead to an increase in the economic security and an improvement in the geopolitical position of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
