Strategies for Enhancing the Synergy between the Knowledge-Based Economy and Knowledge-Based Defense Sector of Iran; A Comparative Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Economics, Faculty of Economics, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. in Economics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Since the middle of the twentieth century knowledge has been the most significant driver of transformations of various aspects of human life. In economic and defense realms, these transformations have led to the emergence of knowledge-based economic models and knowledge-based defense sector, thus changing the face of national power. In view of the foregoing, the purpose of the current study is to gain an understanding of the transformations in economic and defense realms, in order to facilitate the interaction between these fields, and thus, increase the national power of Iran in the knowledge era.
The present study can be classed as descriptive-analytical research. It employs the Rand multivariable method to analyze and investigate the main axis of knowledge-based national power. In addition, the assessment framework for identifying knowledge-based arenas is grounded on the KAM method. Evaluation of the indicators and components of knowledge-based economy and knowledge-based defense sectors indicates that despite decades of policymaking for creating synergies between the knowledge-based economic and knowledge-based defense sectors _ as stated in the upstream documents of the country from the fourth five-year plan onwards_ there have been insignificant advancements made on this front. Furthermore, quantitative analysis of the outcome of development plans indicates that the most significant efforts made so far have treated the variables of national resources and military capability as separate issues. This is despite the fact that national performance factors play the most crucial role in turning national resources into military capabilities, thus enhancing national power. Hence, Iran's development policies should be re-oriented towards improving the components of national performance which act as the intermediate link between knowledge-based economy and the knowledge-based defense sectors.
