Individual economic security from the Supreme Leader's point of view

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Economics, Faculty of Strategic Management, Supreme National Defense University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Humanities, Farabi University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.


The security of human societies, it is divided into five important categories: military, political, economic, social and environmental. The Economic security, as an important aspect of national security at all individual, social and national levels, has attracted the attention of security thinkers. At the simplest level, individual economic security is related to the level of human access to basic necessities and at higher levels, it is related to a wide range of discussions about employment, income distribution, and welfare.This article aims to examine and express the indicators of individual economic security, the factors that create individual economic security, the factors that threaten individual economic security, and the custodians of individual economic security based on the Supreme Leader's point of view. Therefore, all his words, statements and messages from 1998 to 2021 were analyzed by using the Grand Theory method. The results of the research showed that in terms of leadership, the indicators of individual economic security include; security of Work, job, basic needs, life and livelihood, well-being and health, production and investment, income and wealth, profit and capital, and business. He also mentions security (general, economic and social), development and economic justice, stability of laws and access to information as factors that create individual economic security and economic insecurity, corruption, poverty, consumerism and despair as factors that threaten it. From the point of view of the Supreme Leader, the three forces, together with the security agencies and police and intelligence forces, are in charge of providing individual economic security.
