Effective Economic Strategies for Controlling Social unrest from the perspective of Nahj al-Balagha

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Command and Staff, Imam Hossein University of Officer Training. Tehran, Iran.

2 M.A. in Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch, Ilam, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor at the Department of Command and Staff Imam Hussein University of Officer Training, Tehran, Iran.


Social unrest is a complex, pervasive, costly threat ... that if the causes of its formation are not known and irrational actions are taken in the process of controlling them, the systems will incur heavy costs. Considering that this phenomenon has been present in the country during the past four decades on the one hand, and the liability of public opinion to being swayed by foreign influences, it is important to adopt effective strategies in accordance with human nature such as those proposed by Nahj al-Balagheh. Noting that social unrests is highly affected by economic problems, the paper adopted an exploratory method to investigate the effectiveness of thirteen economic strategies for preventing and controlling unrest which were adopted from Nahj al-Balagheh. These strategies were subsequently judged by 10 experts resulting in a content validity of 0/89. The strategies were subsequently subjected to the opinions of 92 experts; Considering that the average rank of strategies was 3.97, t 1212 T test, degree of freedom 91, significance level was 0.000 and Chi-square was 104.993, it confirms the effectiveness of the strategies for preventing the formation and controlling of social unrest.
