An Analysis of the Factors influencing the Stability of Export Routes of Strategic Industries amidst Economic Sanctions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of International Oil and Gas Contracts Management, Faculty of Islamic Education and Economics, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran.


Knowledge of performance indicators and comparing them with existing and designed indicators is of particular importance for their improvement. Since, an understanding of the importance of each economic index, in conjunction with an understanding a country's performance metrics in relation to each of the economic indicators, paves the way for optimizing performance. This paper examines ten factors affecting the stability of exports routes according to two criteria of importance and performance and analyzes the results. The research method employed is based on IPA logic. Thereby, each of the factors were subjected to scoring by the elites in the field according to two dimensions of importance and performance. Subsequently, quantitative threshold values of each factor coefficients were calculated, and the factors were thereafter categorized.
The results obtained indicate that four factors; "creating supply chains (from product to customer) of products", "systematized marketing and establishing long-term cooperation with international companies", "focusing on research and development through obtaining stable export routes" and "directing production towards the needs of export markets" should be prioritized. The paper concludes with a categorization of components according to the obtained score.


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