Generalization of Interiligator Missile Arms Race Model by Adding Missile Farms

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Business Economics, Faculty of Economics, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. student in financial economics,, Faculty of Economics,, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.


Missile defense is one of the most important components in deterrence and security of countries and advances in missile capabilities could significantly change a country's deterrent equations. One of the technologies of the defense industry is the missile farms consisting of missiles with the ability to hide before launch, so that in this achievement, the missiles are ready and hidden from the radars in the heart of the soil and ready at any time. The ability of hidden missiles has a great importance in the deterrence equations between the two warring parties. The Interlligator missile arms race model was developed during the Cold War, focusing on the US-Soviet missile warfare and shows how the two missile powers interact and balance in deterrence. Given the time of development of the model, it does not include new issues such as the ability of missiles to hide. In this paper, it is intended to investigate the effect of the presence of hidden missiles in deterrence equations and the final balance of the number of missiles required by countries for deterrence by developing the equations of the Interlligator missile arms race model. As a result, a country with hidden missile fields needs fewer missiles at the new equilibrium point for deterrence, and therefore needs less defense spending and therefore less defense expenditure.
