Design and Analysis of a Model of Effective and Influential Factors for the Construction of An Stable Export Paradigm for the Strategic Industries Operating Within An Economic Sanctions Environment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD student in International Oil and Gas Contracts Management, Faculty of Islamic Education and Economics, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran.


Exports are vital for the growth and prosperity of any national economy. Iran is no exception and exports account for a significant part of the country’s GDP. Therefore, in order to neutralize the enemy's policies regarding Iran’s exports, it is necessary to manage the exports in such a way that it is resistant to external shocks and sanctions of the enemies, and maintains its stability. In this research, the issue of laying the foundation of a stable exports environment for the domestic strategic industries has been addressed.
Research Methodology: At first, effective components in the formation of stable exports of strategic industries’ products were identified from 106 sources including books, dissertations and articles. And then, in order to collect comprehensive and real data, 13 scientific experts in the field of economics, business managers and exporters were also interviewed. This process continued until theoretical and data adequacy was reasonably achieved. In this process, 422 factors effective in the formation of stable exports of strategic industries’ products were identified. To classify them, Content Analysis (GT) method was used and finally, after four levels of classification, 10 effective factors were identified. In order to determine the effective and influential factors as well as the model of the research, the ISM method, which is considered as a problem building method (SSIM), was used.
