A Strategic Model For Commercial Diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Based on Economic War (Economic Sanctions), General Policies of the Resistance Economy and Experiences of the Selected Countries

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc. in International Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

2 M.Sc. in Economics, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


The perspective document of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2025 describes Iran as a developed country with first economic, scientific and technological position in the region, with Islamic and revolutionary identity, inspiring in the Islamic world and with constructive and effective interaction in the international relations. Undoubtedly, this important goal will be achieved only by taking advantage of all capacities, including commercial diplomacy. Accordingly, the present study seeks to specify the appropriate model of commercial diplomacy for the Islamic republic of Iran according to economic war (economic sanctions), general policies of the resistance economy and experiences of the selected countries. In order to achieve this goal, one part of data was collected from commercial documents of the selected countries and other part was collected by interviews with faculty members of the Institute for Trade Studies and Research. Grounded theory method was used for analyzing the interview data. The proposed model of commercial diplomacy for the Islamic Republic of Iran has 10 general strategies: 1) Publishing of commercial diplomacy document; 2) Private sector participation; 3) Reforming the institutional structure; 4) Elimination of self-sanction; 5) Training capable commercial diplomats; 6) Import management; 7) Diversification of exports and avoiding of raw sales; 8) Supporting domestic companies and businesses; 9) Prioritizing of neighboring countries; 10) Connecting to global value chain. Also, proportional programs of strategies are provided and finally, requirements and suggestions of the proposed model are discussed.
