The Role for Start-ups in a Resistive Economy the Economy of Defense

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Prof, Faculty of Economics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


The recent rise in economic confrontations globally, including that of some Western powers with the Islamic Republic of Iran, has heightened beyond conventional norms and transformed into a full-scale economic war. In such circumstances, one has to go beyond the conventional wisdom of the mainstream economic literature based on assumptions of global free-trade and commerce for a realistic analysis of the current state of affairs. In line with the literature in applied research, the methodology of this paper follows exploratory mixed methods design, specifically utilizing modeling typology, to first arrive at a definition of the concept of start-ups, thus subsequently, the paper turns towards analyzing the role of these businesses in a defensive economy. Finally, following cues from the statements of the Supreme Leader and the existing literature, the paper attempts to describe the concepts of ‘resistance economics’ and ‘economic defense’.
