Analysing the effects of the macro-dynamics within iron and copper ore production industries in line with presenting economic strategies within the industry

Document Type : Original Article


Head of Statistics Research Institute of Iran


Macro-dynamics can be defined as fundamental societal, technological, economic and political changes that exhibit three main characteristics; slow and sustainable development, wide ranging implications for human life and universality. The objective of this paper is to investigate the global macro dynamics affecting the minerals industry, in Iran and globally. The modus operandi of this paper is to employ a structural VAR model to investigate urbanisation macro dynamics, technological progress macro dynamics and environmental macro dynamics in affecting the growth in production of Iron and copper ores. Subsequently, the data is used to provide economic strategies in line with the objective of increasing the efficiency of Iran’s minerals sector, through a dissection of the global macro dynamics affecting the minerals industry. Based on these results, copper production is most affected by technological macro-dynamics. Moreover, the growth of urbanisation _considering the demand for copper in infrastructural projects, will witness a positive growth in the long-term. Notwithstanding, the technological and urbanisation macro-dynamics affecting the production of copper in Iran will only hold for the short-term. In regards to iron ore production the crucial variables are the urbanisation macro dynamics. In contrast, Iron ore production in Iran has not followed the global pattern, and in fact has gone in the opposite direction.
