Examining Iran's economic-security oil and gas cooperation opportunities with neighboring countries and providing appropriate cooperation strategies (Case study of joint oil fields of Iran and Iraq; Iranian gas and natural gas)

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D in Oil and Gas International Contracts, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.


Iran has a lot of oil and gas reserves and resources, some of them are shared with neighboring countries. The existence of this number of common fields with neighboring countries doubles the importance of these fields for Iran.The unilateral and unsustainable exploitation of Qatar and Iraq from the South Pars gas field (as the world's largest gas field) and joint oil fields, respectively, and the lack of development of these fields by Iran for managerial reasons, as well as the imposition of economic sanctions by the West has had a lot of consequences for Iran's economic.In this paper, the importance of these fields and the challenges they face are examined using the theory of game and games of the prisoner riddle, the game of chickens and the game of deer hunting. The results of the game on the South Pars gas field and Iran's oil field with Iraq indicate that the continuation of these conditions is a detriment to Iran.  Iran should use  diplomatic negotiation to convince these countries to negotiate on these fields or should increase its production to persuade the other party to negotiate for cooperation.This negotiation is necessary to extract these fields with a single management and in an appropriate manner.
